"Our cause speeds on its way"

E.K.U. Sigmas

Iota DELTA Chapter

Committed to upholding the values
Brotherhood | Scholarship | Service

Presidental Message

Thank you for visiting page of the Iota Delta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated proudly serving the Eastern Kentucky University. As we strive to embody our motto, Culture for Service, Service for Humanity, we are always looking for new opportunities to serve EKU and surrounding communities. We hope you enjoy our exploring page and if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please feel free to contact us through the link at the bottom. Thank you and have a great day!
Bro. WYATT Mccarty

A Brotherhood of conscious Men
actively serving our communities

Celebrating 108 years

Phi Beta SIgma

Our Cause Speeds On Its Way

Contact US

Iota Delta of Phi Beta Sigma
